Problem Gambling rates are higher among college-aged people, but this may be the result of broader developmental problems. A recent study published in the British Gambling Prevalence Study found that men in college have a higher risk of problem gambling than older populations. In contrast, the prevalence rate for women in this age group was 0.2% compared with 1.4% for the general population. Listed below are some signs of problem gambling in college-age men.
Problem gamblers
A common definition of gambling is the risking of something of value in the hope of gaining a greater one. Despite its common definition, nearly half of all adult Americans gamble at least once a year. While most of these people do not develop problems as a result of their gambling, there are certain markers of gambling that are associated with substance abuse and psychiatric disorders. Listed below are some of these markers.
Addiction to gambling
An addiction to gambling is a life-threatening illness. People addicted to gambling will make excuses and justify their behavior to themselves and others. They will tell themselves that they’ll save money for a better time next time, which may work for a while. Unfortunately, the same excuses will lead to disappointment and even relationship breakdowns. Therefore, the time to seek help for your addiction to gambling is now. Here are a few tips to overcome your addiction to gambling:
Non-regulated forms of gambling
Recreational gambling is prevalent and affects a substantial percentage of the population. Subsyndromal studies of gambling offer insight into non-regulated forms of gambling and can provide insight into which populations are most vulnerable. However, they do not apply to all types of gambling and may not reflect all of the health consequences of these activities. Here are some tips for college students who wish to become better informed about the dangers of gambling. Notably, non-regulated forms of gambling include gambling on the Internet and at casinos.
Signs of a problem gambler
Signs of a problem gambler are many and varied. Gamblers may spend money they don’t have and damage personal relationships. They may even be unable to stop and might spend money they don’t have to gamble. Many times, a gambler will use gambling as an escape from depression or slow boredom. Some people even claim that a game is rigged or that a specific object owes them money.
Life insurance as a form of gambling
Gambling on life is a bad practice, as it provides a perverse incentive to kill. Some people insure strangers’ lives and kill them for the proceeds of their life insurance policies. Recent convictions of black widows in California have shed light on this issue. If they had been caught, they would have been convicted, because insurance companies would have known how they bought and sold policies. Yet, the gambling culture continues to exist today.
Signs of compulsive gambling
If you are concerned about your loved one’s compulsive gambling, you can watch out for some warning signs. Gambling can become a dangerous obsession if you don’t know the signs. Some of these signs include increasing financial problems, ignoring bills, or loans, and a sharp increase in gambling spending. It’s always a good idea to get help if you suspect compulsive gambling.